Welcome to MedCircle Community

Begin Your Healing Journey Today!

Benefits of Your Membership:

  • Community Support & Engagement
  • Interactive Forums Built for Support
  • Get Educated with 1000 Videos
  • Weekly Live Office Hours with Renowned Doctors and Therapists
  • Free “Doing the Work” Digital Workbook
  • MedCircle Community App
  • Discounted Pricing on Courses

We bring together individuals seeking greater well-being and personal growth to embark on a journey of exploring wellness wisdom, so that we can cultivate self-awareness, practice mindfulness, and nurture a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

Experience the transformative power of MedCircle's holistic approach to mental well-being through our array of offerings: MedCircle Workshops, Courses, Community, and our acclaimed video library featuring renowned mental health experts like Dr. Ramani Durvasula and Dr. Judy Ho.

As a MedCircle Member, you gain access to a wealth of resources aimed at guiding you on your healing journey, including our award-winning video library, MedCircle Digital Workbook covering 9 essential pillars of mental well-being, and round-the-clock support.

Here's a glimpse of what awaits you within the MedCircle Community:

  • Elevate your self-awareness with interactive Workshops and discussions alongside a supportive community of like-minded individuals.
  • Cultivate mindfulness and adopt healthier lifestyle habits with the guidance of our resources and the collective wisdom of your peers.
  • Find encouragement and inspiration for personal growth from a community committed to holistic well-being.

Join MedCircle Community today and unlock access to:

  • Wellness Wisdom Chat Discussion: Engage in enlightening discussions with fellow members, exchanging personal growth experiences and mindfulness practices to gain new perspectives on well-being.
  • Mindful Living Events: Attend virtual events featuring guest speakers, psychologists, and psychiatrists, exploring topics from happiness and optimism to roadmaps on how to move through life's challenging events.